A Day in the Weeds: Growing Our Grow Management App

A Day in the Weeds: Growing Our Grow Management App

Today was all about refining, rethinking, and rallying around our shared vision for the grow management app we're building. Here’s a quick rundown of what went down and what’s on the horizon:

1. Prioritizing Mobile Usability

First things first, we realized we need to ensure our current features are fully functional on mobile devices. Growers are always on the go—tending to plants, checking conditions, and making real-time decisions. Our app needs to be as nimble as they are. The plan is to make the interface smooth and responsive across all devices, starting with optimizing the existing feature set for mobile and tablet users. UX input will be crucial here, and we’re stoked to dive deeper into this.

2. Rethinking the Map Feature

We decided to remove the map feature for now. The map was never about tracking users' actual locations; it was meant as a helpful tool for users to add and find grow-friendly spots like stores or community resources. This could be incredibly useful in a state where it's legal, like ours, but considering the federal gray area, we don't want to risk making anyone uneasy. Even though the map wasn't tracking personal locations, the potential perception issues—especially in a federally illegal context—made us decide to set it aside for now. We’re focusing on core features that directly improve the growing experience without any worry about unintended privacy concerns.

3. Enhancing User Experience with New Features

We had an awesome brainstorming session on how to improve the app’s usability. Key ideas included:

  • Making non-essential fields optional when creating a new source—because not every vendor has a traditional address or phone number.
  • Streamlining the “Create Lot/Location” process to allow entry of all relevant information upfront.
  • Clarifying terms like “Lot” and considering a more intuitive “Plant” feature for those who prefer tracking individual plants, inspired by other popular apps like Grow with Jane.

4. Tracking and Reporting for Every Grower

The consensus is clear: tracking is everything. Users want to log it all—from nutrient feedings to plant-specific notes. We’re planning features for detailed tracking of conditions like VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit), nutrients, and feeding schedules, all of which are key for optimizing plant health and yields. The idea of automating data collection using sensors was also a hot topic—imagine an app that tracks everything in your grow space without needing you to manually enter data. That's where we're aiming!

5. Automating the Grow with Smart Sensors

Speaking of sensors, we're looking into integrating physical sensors to keep an eye on conditions like temperature and humidity in real-time. This would automate data collection and feed it directly into the app, making it easier for growers to maintain optimal conditions without constant checks. We’re even thinking about using cameras and AI for more advanced monitoring—how cool would that be?

6. Simplifying Team Management

We took another look at our “Team Management” feature. The idea is to allow multiple users to collaborate on a grow, sharing data and insights. While this sounds great, we’re thinking it might be more relevant for a “pro” or commercial version of the app. For now, simple shared access might do the trick. We’re still figuring this out, but we're open to feedback!

7. Tools for Better Collaboration and Feedback

We’re getting organized! GitHub Enterprise is in the works for tracking features and bugs, and we’re also checking out tools like Miro for collaborative planning and Figma for wire-framing and UX design. The goal is to get everyone on the same page as we move into more detailed design and feature discussions.

8. Transparent Development and User Guidance

One thing we all agreed on: keep users in the loop. If a feature isn’t working yet, it’s better not to show it at all or at least make it clear that it’s "coming soon." This way, we avoid confusion and manage expectations. This approach helps us stay focused on building a tool that genuinely helps growers manage and optimize their operations.

Looking Ahead:

The journey is just beginning, but today was a big step forward. We’re focusing on a simpler, more intuitive user experience while laying the groundwork for advanced features that will make our app stand out. There’s a lot of excitement in the air, and we’re pumped to see where this journey takes us.

Stay tuned, and keep growing with us!

Got thoughts or feedback? Drop a comment below or reach out directly. We’re all ears and eager to hear from fellow growers and tech enthusiasts alike. Let’s build something great together!

That’s a wrap for today! Thanks for following along, and remember—it’s always a good day to grow.

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